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Improve Your Cooking Experience with Black Steel Pan

Cooking is indeed a pleasure for both your taste buds and mood, but this rose to another level when you have the right tools. Any cooking application will give beautiful results only when you have the right cookware in your hand. When you enter a cookware market you can find a range of products, each of them having their own unique advantages. For example, some will be more durable and induction friendly whereas some will be good for easy cleanup, sauté, frying and more. But what if you can find all these properties in one? That's true and blacksteel paella pan (Carbon steel) is a perfect answer to this.  What makes carbon steel unique?  You will find that most of the black steel pan is made from carbon steel which is mainly composed of iron (99%) and carbon (1%). If you are wondering what makes it different from cast iron pans, then you need to look at its composition. Unlike carbon steel, it is composed of 97% iron and the remaining 3% is carbon component. This is the

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